Configurations in Motion: Curating Performance for Communities of Colour March 9-November 10, 2017 Part of Performance, Scholarship, Presence: Conversations in Critical Dance Studies Concordia University in Partnership with Institute for Dance Studies, University of Toronto MJ Thompson, Concordia, Jane Gabriels, Angleique Wilke, Seika Boye and Thomas DeFrantz SSHRC Connections Grant
Dance With Me: Curatorial Partnerships and the Future May 29, 2017 an evening of performances commissioned by the Canadian Association for Theatre Research (CATR) Annual Conference Committee Jumblies Theatre/First Story Toronto/Historic Fort York/Nagano Collective Open Art Surgery/Harbourfront Centre/Sony Centre Jenn Goodwin/Brandy Leary/Mafa Makhubalo *see drop down menu for details
The Performance of Race in Toronto: An Introduction to Documents January 24, 2017 Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies Colloquium Series Presenters: Stephen Johnson, Seika Boye and Cheryl Thompson
The Other D: Locating Dance in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies in Canada January 22-23, 2016 A two day symposium hosted and produced by the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies University of Toronto. January 22-23, 2016. Featuring guest lectures, papers, posters, lecture demonstrations, performances and an archival exhibition. Organizers: Seika Boye, Nikki Cesare Schotzko, Heather Fitzsimmons Frey, Evadne Kelly SSHRC Connections Grant
Photo: Selma Odom presenting at The Other D, Jan 2015. Photographer: Henry Daniels.